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Flash ActionScript Questions and Answers Page
- Best Advice Suggestion to get help....
As the title states, this is a few 'suggestions' to help YOU get the best help you can out of the Flash General H...
- Additions to the New Post Form - PLEASE USE IT -
Our Flashkit tech guy, JPnyc has been kind enough to give us a new tool in the "New Post" form page that will mak...
- Embed Flash the right way
Here is a link that explains the swfObject:http: blog.deconcept.com swfobject ...
- Forum Guidelines
Make a search before asking your question Even if your problem seems a new problem for you, it has maybe been ans...
- Flash5 In need of URGENT help with contact form AS2
So, I've got a contact form which was created in Flash and a .php file to accompany it. When uploading it to test...
- Flash8 [RESOLVED] anyone know how to stop a movie speeding up on replay?
I'm sure it's something small but it's driving me demented see fla code at http: board.flashkit.com board show.....
- scoring with dynamic text.
hi there ive been working on a sniper game and im having trouble with dynamic text for scoring.heres the thing.i...
- Flash8 As2
Okay - We have a small query .....I'm trying to establish a HTTP post from within flash file. Following text inpu...
- Flash8 is there something wrong with my code?
this is my code for a sleep button in my game: Code: on(release){ if(day >= 1){day += 1;hp += 50;}else if(day = 2...
- as2 control frames inside a symbol
hey guys, im trying to make my own crappy pokemon game with the 151 first pokemonsso far if got a button that enc...
- Help in Designing a flash file like this
Hello,I am new to flash designing but i have knowledge in Photoshop, i am interested in designing a map with loca...
- Flash8 MC Freezes On First Frame?
Hello, I'm starting to learn to use AS2 to program a beat-em up game, but I have a few problems.A few different M...
- Flash5 Absolute newbie seeking advice..where to start?
Hi,I've decided i'd like to try learning Flash - from the starting point of zero knowledge of flash and programmi...
- Flash8 How to create a Dynamic text field inside a movieclip?
Ok so I have a few dynamic text fields that I created inside my movie clip. The text fields have vars attached to...
- javascript for random movie onLoad
does anyone have or know of a javaScript that will play random movies when a page loads? i can't do this with act...
- organizing your layers?
I was just wondering how you all usually organize your layers. For instance if im animating a character, im aware...
- Best way to load 4 big videos
I have just finished my first ever Flash Website.I don't really know much about flash or webdesign, but with the ...
- Flash5 AS3 Timezone Countdown?
Hey, I'm looking for a Countdown clock with dd:hh:mm:ssThat Counts down to every Saturday at 23h ( Paris UTC+1 ) ...
- Sending Messages ActionScript 3 Which Class?
Hello, My name is Mark. I am new member to Kirupa. I admit i am a bit of novice when it comes to ActionScript and...
- I'm opening a SWF in flash CS5.5 and i cant export as HTML5 - HELP
Hello, I need to export a load of SWF files i don't have the original flash files for via Swiffy to HTML5, but i ...
- I'm opening a SWF in flash CS5.5 and i cant export as HTML5 - HELP
Hello, I need to export a load of SWF files i don't have the original flash files for via Swiffy to HTML5, but i ...
- How make collision detection using array as3
i make MC in Array [a,b,c,d,e] and MC rotate on the same external point using Matrix..This my code : import flash...
- New Flash Project.. need some help
Hi everyone, its been a while since i've had to create anything majorly complicated in Flash, so here goes.I've b...
- SharedObject
I have two points firstly...I have been watching some tutorials in regards to SharedObjects. I still however, fin...
- Error loading XML from another domain
Hi all,I am having trouble loading an XML file hosted on another domain. I am using the same exact script:http: ...
- Whats a way to make levels in as3?
Hi im not using flashpunk or flixel or any of those types of things as of now.im tring to make a level inside a m...
- HELP Problem with swf
I have been developing a site locally and it involves piecemaker.swf and piecemaker.xml which works perfectly fin...
- Flash senocular Transform Tool 2 problem
Hi,I use senocular Transform tool, and i want the moving objects to be locked in specified coordinates.please hel...
- Make Simple cartoon flipbook
Greetings Flash Community You know those paper flipbooks you would have as a kid where you would flip the pages a...
- Using self built list
Because I can't change List objects colors I decided to build my own list:function makeTrackList():void { var ...
- Flash8 'else' encountered without matching 'if'?
I attempted to make my own code....but ran into a problem...heres my code: Actionscript Code: on(release){� hp +=...
- sound recording
Hello all, a little help with sound recording if you please.I've got a project that has some 'instruments' create...
- AS3: Populate dynamic text box in nexted MC and not on frame 1
OMG somebody, please help I have most of my AS on the main timeline and have these lines in frame #20:btnTISB...
- Flex query related ExternalInterface and chrome popup blocker
I want to call js function on service response my code is as belowwhen I run this in google chrome, If I click ...
- Flash8 How to make a pop up menu?
Ok, you know how in games if you click a button that says Menua sub menu will pop up on the screen? How would I m...
- Flash flash as3 scrollpane source value changing dynamically..
Hi,I added one movieclip, in scrollpane dynamicallly. In The movieclip, one text field is there, in that i have t...
- Layering with pictures and flalling snow
Hi,So i've actionscripted some falling snow, and i have a few picture come across the screen while its snowing. I...
- Flash Multiple Instances of one class.
K, here's my problem. I have one class called Vehicle I get it to move by making a path array and having it follo...
- Flash8 How do I change the color of a Dynamic Text BOX, not the actual text, just the BOX?
Ok, so I created a dynamic text box and placed it in the spot I want it to be. But the text BOX is defaulted to w...
- What Format for 3d Models for Stage 3d.
In an As3 project is there yet a 'standard' or 'recognised', format for storing of 3d models within worlds.Orini...
- Flash5 How to add click event to bitmap ?
hey guys, i have this photo gallery that is linked to an xml file, and was wondering how do you add a click event...
- variable to loaded swf issue
Helloon frame 10 of my main movie I intent to load a swf which has a flv playing on the timeline + some animation...
- linking scenes with buttons in CS4
I am using Flash CS4 Professional and trying to link scenes using a button. I have found a tutorial here on Flas...
- how make Connect button with movieclip in array [red, yellow, green];
this my code :vararray:Array = [red, yellow, green];var prev:MovieClip;var curr:MovieClip; and i wanna make conn...
- sounds on let click (gunshots)
hi there im a complete newbie when it comes to coding and i barely know the codes.so i need to do this game whic...
- EventListeners
Hello All, I am learning ActionScript 3.0 A simple question for you. Im using Flash Pro in my Actions panel. I am...
- png image sequence
Hi.I have a maybe 100 png sequence frames in flash mx .Is the a way to save that image sequence back to my deskt...
- Flash problem with drawing lines & turning angles
Concept: A user inputs distances and angles so mcPencil can draw a shape polygon on screen. The user inputs a dis...
- Problem with flash and USB device
Hi, I go a little question, I'm making a presentation in flash AS 2.0, everything works fine but now my TA said t...
- how make random mc without array ?? as3
this my code : import flash.utils.Timer;import flash.events.TimerEvent;var num_count:Number=0;var txt_score: Text...
- Help cant type certain characters in input field
So I have been trying to edit this flash contact form and somthing is wrong. Please help.I cant type some charact...
- Flash Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
So, I'm trying to remove an object after it has exceeded set x and y coordinates but i keep getting this error: ...
- Utter Newbie Question? :)
Ok, I want to animate my next buttons. My next buttons are arrows and I want them to do a simple up and down moti...
- Flash Tracking the order 4 buttons (or movie clips) are clicked on.
Hi, I need to track the order of which four buttons or movie clips or clicked on in AS3. Basically it's a very si...
- Flash File For Website
I am a novice in flash. I am making my website in flash. It's my photography site.There is so many pic in the sit...
- Flash Loaded SWF sound handling - issue
Hi,I have a sound problem. I have a flash (swf) file loaded within another flash (my main swf). I want to mute al...
- Is there any glossary for code?
I was wondering if anyone had ever put together a code book with a quick reference glossary?I am looking for code...
- As2 to as3
Has anybody got the brains to convert this AS2 to AS3?clips.push(createEmptyMovieClip("container"+j,j++) );clips...
- Flash Scroll bar in web page
Hello everyone,actually i`m building my webpage and want to put a scroll bar in my page.to move up and down any o...
- Countdown timer with MovieClips in AS3
Hi everybody,I'm quite new to Flash, so hopefully this isn't a stupid question. I just saw the Senocular's tutori...
- Navigations throughout labes
Hi guys,this is probably the most silly question you have been ever asked.A couple of weeks ago I started to expl...
- how to post flash to facebook tutorial link
hi i am working on some flash app. the app is a photo editor app. can anyone give me some links of tutorial on h...
- import sound in flash CS5
i've imported sound file in flash CS5but when i play it, the tempo is so lowwhat should i do ?the sound file is ....
- how random and looping MC
this my code :import flash.utils.Timer;import flash.events.TimerEvent;var red:Red = new Red;var green:Green = new...
- Using flash to display an image fullscreen
Hi there people.It's been many years since I've messed with flash.What I'm looking for is to link to a flash-full...
- is there an easier way to do this?
This is my first time posting and I'm very new to as3 but I came over from as2 and was fairly comfortible there w...
- Moving forwards and backwards through keyframes using a slider
Hi I was wanting to be able to use a slider on a webpage to be able to move forwards and backwards through the ke...
- Scrollbar
can any1 plzz tell me........i want to create a scrollable webpage in flash......how should i put a scrollbar to ...
- How can i import a .swf animation file into different flash file?
Hi all..Im new to this page and flash..my problem is How can i import a .swf animation file into different flash ...
- Flash Display random text from XML file
My skills with AS3 are poor but I'm trying to do the following in a flash app:click a button and display one rand...
- Sounds easy, but maybe it is not?
I was wondering how you would go about writing script for a simple page turner app.I will explain better.If you a...
- Flash Camera can't reach 30fps, just keep 15fps
Mac OSX Lion i7 Cam: Logitech Pro 9000 (800*450@30fps on FMLE)Study: Cirrus P2P streamingBuild in Flash builder 4...
- Basic First person shooter code help
Hi folks,I due to illness decided to try my hand at something new, making basic games. My son has cerebral palsy ...
- how to link my brush to pick color
i guys, i am working on a coloring game here. i really dont know how to code to link my brush (i hide the mouse a...
- Creating Rollover Effect w nested movieclips
I'm using AS2...Ok so on the main timeline I have two movieclips. One is called exitBtn and one is called back_mc...
- Question About arrays
Yeah umm i got a question about arrays.i made a new array called floor_a Code: floor_a = new Array(); then i ass...
- Looking for help with Timezone clock.
I'm looking for a digital clock code, That works off a time zone not my computers time.The time zone is Paris UTC...
- AIR How to include different Character Sets in Flex AIR project
Hi All, Flex, AIR(Desktop) Project. PROBLEM Scenario: My Application needs a path from Windows registry, So I am ...
- applying different colors to different instances of a movieclip
Hey guys,So i have a movieclip in my library called BALL_MC. i drag and drop two of these onto my stage, which cr...
- Flash Boolean Question
How to check if boolean is undefined?I know that for numbers you can use if(isNaN(number)){some stuff}}I need som...
- Please help me
I want to load external swf but it?s give me errorTypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a...
- embedFonts = true; doesen't work
Hello, txt.embedFonts = true; it doesen't work, gives me back empty textfield. How to fix this? Code: package { ...
- Flash8 How to convert numerical variable to a bar?
So I recently discovered how to keep track of Hp and Exp in flash. Is there a way I can convert the variables to ...
- A little help with AS3 links and a video component
EDITED: Just in case, I uploaded the files in a zip file, this because I don't know exactly where to place things...
- [RESOLVED] Jobs is dead. Flash is not.
I've decided. I've decided that I'm not going to abandon Flash.This is my statement. I've created so much using a...
- Smooth text resizing while using device fonts?
Hi guys, long time lurker here needs some help.I have a project that I'm working on that makes use of dynamic tex...
- can't change render size quicktime
When I export to quicktime in cs5, I can't change the render width height before I export. Render size remains th...
- Flash Need Help naming and targeting;
Hey guys i need help doing this : please read and sorry if the code is too long :This is my AS file : Code: packa...
- Convert timeline animation to a movie clip animation
Hello,Currently, I have a timeline animation that I want to convert to a movie clip animation. The timeline anima...
- Flash Creating Multiple Variables
I need to create variables likepublic var variable1:String;but lets say I need 1000 of themdo I have to write the...
- Image mask with embedded path
Hello all you Flash gurus I have been scouring the web for a solution to this problem but I haven't found anythin...
- Flash Old mouse follower.
Hi...I have this mouse follower I've had a while.AS1 or 2 idk...Anyway...found a use for it in a new AIR project ...
- Flash Game scenes transition in AS3
Hello everybody.I'm making a game in AS3 and, based on googling and your help in this forum, I'll have the game s...
- flash as3 Custom slider for controlling movieclip animation
hiI need, flash as3 (In Flash cs3 version ) Custom slider for controlling movieclip animation. ...
- Collision Tunneling Help
Hi All,I'm a bit new to programming and have run into an issue with collision in a platforming game I'm making (a...
- I give up... Null object error
Fairly simple. I have an instance of a movieclip (facial expressions) on every frame. 10 keyframes. On each frame...
- random shape function
Hello there,I am trying to build a function that generates random shapes like the one i've attached and my proble...
- Flash Detecting when movieClip finished
Hello. First post here so please excuse my ignorance. I'm struggling to learn AS3 and this one has me stumped. I'...
- Display list, frames, addChild, removeChild
I have been searching on this for a while but I must not be using the right search terms - I hope this question i...
- Best Method To Send Messages In AS3
For clients, to exchange messages in a chatroom or, to create a peer-to-peer chat app for example. Would you requ...
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